Connecting Activities & Experiences


Groups range from Bible Studies to Greif Share.  Groups may run throughout the year or commence during a specific season, Advent, Lent, Summer, etc.  Most groups form through a person in the church sharing an idea.  We encourage lay leadership.  /groups


Events - concerts, potlucks, outings (we love visiting facilities we support), dinners, potlucks, etc.  They pop up at various times throughout the year.  We are not afraid of being spontaneous - we like adventure.  Again, the source is often someone in the church having a great idea!

New Here?

If you are new to our church we hope you feel welcomed.  We are an informal traditional service.  People are more important than programs.  We are all broken in various ways.  We desire to be shaped by God's word and Spirit and one in loving one another.  Welcome.  (If you would like to meet with the pastor simply send him an email.)