
We are a gathered body of believers.  We come from a variety of church 
backgrounds to learn about Jesus Christ.

We welcome all neighbors.  Our purpose is to study the Word of God, to live 

together as Christians, and to grow in God's love and grace.

We are an independent church with Christ as our head, the Holy Spirit 

directing and empowering us to do our Father's will.  
We are affiliated with the National Association of Congregational 

Christian Churches (NACCC.org).

Our Vision

To bring all people to faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
To instruct in His teachings and Lordship as attested in Scripture.
To help grow in grace and love of Christ through the ministries of the church.
To encourage commitment to His mission of making disciples of all people.

Our Culture

We are pilgrims on a journey experiencing the explosive nature of the Christian life.
Stemming from a wonderful diversity and sweet communion one to another.
We sing the great hymns of the faith.
We engage in God's Word to be encouraged and challenged.
We share and pray together.
We eat together!

Meet the team.

Mark & Janet McAnlis

A follower of Christ since 1969. Married, with a love still burning, to Janet in 1974. A family unit comprised of husband, wife and three children –
Mark Raymond (1975) married to Christy, Malia Lynn Griffice (1977) married to Jason Griffice, Madeleine Mae Hanson (1980)
married to Ryan Hanson and nine grandchildren.
I accepted Christ at age eighteen while attending Rockmont College in Denver, Colorado, a Christian/Liberal Arts school (now Colorado Christian University). While attending Rockmont my gifts of spiritual leadership, public speaking and commitment to ministry became evident.
It was clear early on that our gracious Lord had called me into His service.
The passion of my life and the focus of my ministry is the church. To bring concrete, visible definition to the Body of Christ, to learn of its mystery and wonder and to engage in its life – that’s what fires me up. Christ is alive and well, and His stamp is imprinted in local churches around the globe.
Newness, freshness, vitality and excitement pulsate through His body. Our time is now – it’s the only time we have. Let’s celebrate. I’m in.
That’s my life – His life.

Favorite Author – Esther Lightcap Meek
Best Band Ever – Pink Floyd (best song – On the Turning Away)
Favorite food – Rare Ahi
Favorite Greek Word in the Bible – dei, God’s divine must!
Favorite English Word in the Bible – More!
Favorite Place on the Planet – Beach
Best Day Ever – Today!

Tom Ayer

Minister of Music
Tom is our music guy. He came to us in January of 2024 when our
long-time music director retired. He has served in that capacity all over the country for many years. Tom has sung with local Symphonies, plays
piano bar, performs as part of the BTB Trio, and writes his own compositions, many of which have been performed by choirs and soloists in Pennsylvania, New Mexico, Georgia, and Florida.  He directs our chancel choir
and handbell choir and loves what he does!
When not at a keyboard, Tom can usually be found on a quiet beach reading a book or working on his house.

Terri Sanders

Church Secretary
Terri has been church secretary for seven years and keeps the church operating in an even and orderly manner. She and her husband Orville enjoy traveling in their RV. Terri has a son and daughter and two grandchildren.